
Made in China. Shipped from China. Products are not off-the-shelf and are made according to order design requirements. All countries and regions that we can ship to.

How long will it take to get my order?

Before Shipping:
Processing Time: Within 24 hours
Production Time: 3-7 Business Days

Shipping Time:
DHL Shipping Time: 3-7 business days
Express Shipping Time: 8-15 business days
Standard Shipping Time: 12-19 business days
Tips: Except for The Remote Areas

How much does the shipping cost?

Australia & Canada
Express Shipping (8-15 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free
0.189kg–0.3kg $8.99
0.301kg–0.4kg $13.99
0.401kg–0.5kg $18.99
0.501kg–0.6kg $23.99
0.601kg–0.7kg $28.99
0.701kg–0.8kg $33.99
0.801kg–0.9kg $38.99
0.901kg–1kg    $43.99
1.001kg–1.1kg $48.99
1.101kg–1.2kg $53.99
1.201kg–2.2kg $58.99
2.201kg–3.2kg $83.99
3.201kg–4.2kg $108.99
4.201kg–5.2kg $133.99
5.201kg–6.2kg $158.99
6.201kg–60kg  $999.99

DHL Shipping (3-7 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg $24.99
0.301kg–0.4kg $34.99
0.401kg–0.5kg $44.99
0.501kg–0.6kg $54.99
0.601kg–0.7kg $64.99
0.701kg–0.8kg $74.99
0.801kg–0.9kg $84.99
0.901kg–1kg    $94.99
1.001kg–1.1kg $104.99
1.101kg–1.2kg $114.99
1.201kg–2.2kg $124.99
2.201kg–3.2kg $174.99
3.201kg–4.2kg $224.99
4.201kg–5.2kg $264.99
5.201kg–6.2kg $314.99
6.201kg–60kg  $1999.99

United States
Standard Shipping (12-19 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg  $7.99
0.301kg–0.4kg  $10.99
0.401kg–0.5kg  $13.99
0.501kg–0.6kg  $16.99
0.601kg–0.7kg  $19.99
0.701kg–0.8kg  $22.99
0.801kg–0.9kg  $25.99
0.901kg–1kg     $28.99
1.001kg–1.1kg  $31.99
1.101kg–1.2kg  $34.99
1.201kg–2.2kg  $37.99
2.201kg–3.2kg  $52.99
3.201kg–4.2kg  $67.99
4.201kg–5.2kg  $82.99
5.201kg–6.2kg  $97.99
6.201kg–60kg   $499.99

Express Shipping (8-15 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg $14.99
0.301kg–0.4kg $19.99
0.401kg–0.5kg $24.99
0.501kg–0.6kg $29.99
0.601kg–0.7kg $34.99
0.701kg–0.8kg $39.99
0.801kg–0.9kg $44.99
0.901kg–1kg    $49.99
1.001kg–1.1kg $54.99
1.101kg–1.2kg $59.99
1.201kg–2.2kg $64.99
2.201kg–3.2kg $89.99
3.201kg–4.2kg $114.99
4.201kg–5.2kg $139.99
5.201kg–6.2kg $164.99
6.201kg–60kg  $999.99

DHL Shipping (3-7 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg  $24.99
0.301kg–0.4kg  $34.99
0.401kg–0.5kg  $44.99
0.501kg–0.6kg  $54.99
0.601kg–0.7kg  $64.99
0.701kg–0.8kg  $74.99
0.801kg–0.9kg  $84.99
0.901kg–1kg     $94.99
1.001kg–1.1kg  $104.99
1.101kg–1.2kg  $114.99
1.201kg–2.2kg  $124.99
2.201kg–3.2kg  $174.99
3.201kg–4.2kg  $224.99
4.201kg–5.2kg  $274.99
5.201kg–6.2kg  $324.99
6.201kg–60kg   $1999.99

Other Countries and Regions
Standard Shipping (12-19 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg  $7.99
0.301kg–0.4kg  $10.99
0.401kg–0.5kg  $13.99
0.501kg–0.6kg  $16.99
0.601kg–0.7kg  $19.99
0.701kg–0.8kg  $22.99
0.801kg–0.9kg  $25.99
0.901kg–1kg     $28.99
1.001kg–1.1kg  $31.99
1.101kg–1.2kg  $34.99
1.201kg–2.2kg  $37.99
2.201kg–3.2kg  $52.99
3.201kg–4.2kg  $67.99
4.201kg–5.2kg  $82.99
5.201kg–6.2kg  $97.99
6.201kg–60kg   $499.99

Express Shipping (8-15 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg $14.99
0.301kg–0.4kg $19.99
0.401kg–0.5kg $24.99
0.501kg–0.6kg $29.99
0.601kg–0.7kg $34.99
0.701kg–0.8kg $39.99
0.801kg–0.9kg $44.99
0.901kg–1kg    $49.99
1.001kg–1.1kg $54.99
1.101kg–1.2kg $59.99
1.201kg–2.2kg $64.99
2.201kg–3.2kg $89.99
3.201kg–4.2kg $114.99
4.201kg–5.2kg $139.99
5.201kg–6.2kg $164.99
6.201kg–60kg  $999.99

DHL Shipping (3-7 Business Days)
0kg–0.188kg Free

0.189kg–0.3kg  $24.99
0.301kg–0.4kg  $34.99
0.401kg–0.5kg  $44.99
0.501kg–0.6kg  $54.99
0.601kg–0.7kg  $64.99
0.701kg–0.8kg  $74.99
0.801kg–0.9kg  $84.99
0.901kg–1kg     $94.99
1.001kg–1.1kg  $104.99
1.101kg–1.2kg  $114.99
1.201kg–2.2kg  $124.99
2.201kg–3.2kg  $174.99
3.201kg–4.2kg  $224.99
4.201kg–5.2kg  $274.99
5.201kg–6.2kg  $324.99
6.201kg–60kg   $1999.99

NOTE: All prices on our site are USD. Once you complete your transaction, it will charge your card in your respective currency.

Tracking says my parcel has been delivered but I've not received it?
Sometimes parcels can be accidentally delivered to a neighbours house next door or left at a customers local post office. If this incident unfortunately happens to you, please contact with local post office immediately to check the location of your parcel.
Please note our shipping partner are able to inform us of the exact whereabouts and time each parcel arrives at a destination. If the evidence shows that a parcel was delivered successfully, but the customer states otherwise, we will try out best to come to a mutual agreement.
The satisfaction of every customer is our number one priority, so in some cases we may be willing to re-ship your order again at our expense.

Please note:
If your personalized product was remade, your order might be delayed. Only those items that passed the quality inspection process can be sent out, with our standards and aim to supply you a perfect gift.
We do not offer overnight shipping.